Program Housing
Provides shelter and care to individuals or families in crisis, from 30 days to two years. Program Housing seeks to support clients and foster independent living skills and self-sufficiency, helping to prepare residents for permanent, autonomous living arrangements.
- American Indian Changing Spirits is a 26-bed residential recovery program targeting American Indian men and women who suffer from alcohol and/or drug addiction. (562) 388-8118
- Catholic Charities Elizabeth Ann Seton Residence (EASR) provides up to 45 days of emergency shelter for up to of 56 individuals at any one time. (562) 388-7670
- U.S.VETS ADVANCE Women’s program and Women with Children program is a residential program that addresses the unique needs of female veterans, offering 32 beds for homeless female veterans and 11 rooms for those with children. (562) 200-7316
- U.S.VETS Crisis Bridge Women’s program is a residential transitional housing program for non-veteran women in partnership with the LAHSA that offers treatment for substance abuse and sexual trauma. (562) 200-7316
- U.S.VETS Veterans In Progress (VIP) is a 70-bed, 90-day work reentry program that helps homeless vets gain residential stability, increase their skill levels and income, and achieve a greater level of self-determination through employment. (562) 200-7310
- U.S.VETS Social Independent Living Skills (SILS) is a residential program for up to 32 veterans who face significant barriers to obtaining employment and need assistance in developing skills necessary for independent living. (562) 200-7344
Permanent Supportive Housing
A permanent home, for both families and veterans, is the final step in the housing continuum. Our permanent housing is enriched with supportive services, ensuring that individuals, families, and children have critical resources at their disposal to facilitate continued growth.
- Harbor Interfaith Services provides 29 affordable apartment homes for formerly chronically homeless individuals, as well as on-site case management. (562) 388-8000
- Anchor Place provides 120 affordable apart- ment homes for veterans and families, including 75 VASH, 18 Housing for Health, and 26 affordable units. CVC’s Oasis Residential team provides on-site case management. (562) 388-8000
- Cabrillo Gateway provides 80 affordable apartment homes for families, including 16 homes for those with mental health disabilities identified through Dept. Mental Health (DMH). CVC’s Oasis Residential team provides on-site case management. (562) 388-8000
- Cabrillo Plaza provides 200 affordable apartment homes for single veterans. U.S.VETS provides on-site support to residents. (562) 388-8000
- Family Commons at Cabrillo provides 80 afford- able apartment homes for large families. PATH Ventures provides on-site supportive services and subsidizes 40 apartments for families with physi- cal and/or mental disabilities who were previously homeless. (562) 388-8000
- Long Beach Savannah Housing (LBSH) provides 120 affordable apartment homes for veterans. U.S.VETS provides on-site supportive services to residents. 562-388-8000
- The Children’s Clinic, Serving Children & Their Families (TCC) Family Health Center is a federally qualified health center, open to the CVC and the greater Long Beach community. (844) 822-4646
Campus Amenities
In addition to housing and supportive services, the Villages features community gardens, an Urban Forest with an exercise trail, a yoga and fitness studio, fitness centers, community gathering and game rooms, and a weekly farm stand to support community engagement. A variety of programs are also available for adults, seniors, and youth including summer camps, boy scouts, cooking classes, yoga, and walking groups, and much more to promote community health.
CVC and its partners also utilize our Social Hall Grand Lawn to hold larger community events such as a health fair, fall festival, community-wide thanksgiving dinner, winter festival, back to school event and more throughout the year. The many service provider partners you see here all contribute to support a thriving community in the heart of West Long Beach.