CVC Candidates Forum a Huge Success!
Candidates for the vacant 28th State Senate District seat debated important issues at CVC on Thursday, February 3rd in a moderated panel that was attended by candidates James P. Thompson, Mark Lipman, Kevin Thomas McGurk, and Martha Flores Gibson. Youths from Long Beach CAP’s Project P.L.A.Y. program at the Family Commons at Cabrillo led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance and had the opportunity to ask the candidates questions that were important to them, which included gardening, school bullying, cuts to after school programs, and jobs for teenagers. Community residents in attendance then had the opportunity to question the candidates about the issues, with the state budget, cuts in government programs, the three strikes law, and affordable housing the hot topics.
The forum was covered in an article in the Venice Patch; check it out here and enjoy some pictures below (click to enlarge).
UPDATE (February 16): The main stream press has picked up the story with this article in the Los Angeles Times.