CVC Polling Place Makes the Vote
Election Day was special at CVC. After years of lobbying the County of Los Angeles Registrar-Recorder, we finally were granted the opportunity to host our own polling site! This long-sought opportunity coincided with the creation of a civic engagement concept called Place Make The Vote. Championed by a local community partner, City Fabrick, a Knight Cities Challenge Award was granted to energize civic engagement on election day in underrepresented parts of the city.
As a steady stream of CVC residents and citizens residing in the precinct came to vote on Tuesday, November 8th, they were greeted with coffee and donuts in the morning, pizza and empanadas in the afternoon and the continuous sound of music, the smell of popcorn and the sight of numerous carnival games throughout the day.
Community members were also treated to a digital photo booth, complete with red, white and blue props of all kinds, to have their photos taken and immediately uploaded onto social media platforms as well as being printed on the spot. You can check the GIFs out here, and find photos and reactions from the event at the CVC facebook and twitter pages and the City Fabric twitter page.
The voter turnout percentage has been in the low 20s in previous elections, so we feel we did extremely well by recording in the mid-400 range of actual voters in a precinct with slightly more than 1000 registered voters!
Many thanks go to all the election workers and all of the volunteers from City Fabrick and CVC who helped Make CVC the Place to Vote in 2016!