CVC to receive Port of Long Beach Community Mitigation Grants!
We are pleased to report that CVC is the recipient of two new grants from the Port of Long Beach’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Grant Program. The purpose of the Port’s $5 million grant program is to fund projects that reduce, avoid or capture greenhouse gas emissions. In February 2012, CVC submitted grant applications for 6 distinct projects across valued at more than $1.2 million. We are very pleased that the Port has awarded funding for two projects that are both high impact and high visibility: (1) CVC’s first solar generation facility at Casa de Cabrillo, and (2) An urban forest at the western edge of the CVC campus. With a combined value of nearly $600,000 these projects will leverage additional sources of capital including a significant MASH rebate from Southern California Edison.
Each of these projects features an important education overlay that is geared around raising awareness about greenhouse gas emissions and conservation of resources within our community. The educational components include informational signage that will be displayed in and around landscaping and the solar facility as well as articles in our newsletter.
The competition for Port funding was fierce with only 28 applications being funded out of 83 submissions. The projects above will help CVC manifest the guiding principles of its development planning, adopted by CVC’s Board in February 2010. These include the following relevant commitments :
- Current and future needs of the campus are informed by sustainability perspectives and embrace environmentally sensitive and energy efficient planning and design principles.
- Current and future needs of the campus are mindful of the need to enhance the safety, livability, and connectivity of the campus.